Sunday, February 24, 2008

Positive Aspects of Games and Gamers

Digg Story Link

Media has a long history of bashing video games for just about anything. Here is an example of the blame put on games for the Virginia Tech shootings. This is just one of many such instances unfortunately. Anytime someone looses it and they happened to play games, media is quick to place the blame. But today I want to discuss the positive aspects of playing games and gamers to counter these miss conceptions.

There are many examples of games and gamers doing positive, even life-saving, deeds in our society. Here are a few of the most resent:

Twenty-eight year old Paxton Galvanek was driving home when he witnessed an SUV lose control a flip over several times. He stopped the car and ran over to see if he could help. He was quickly able to asses the situation, prioritize the injuries and administer basic treatment. He learned these things from playing America's Army which includes actual medic training.

Another example comes from a gamer who saved a life of his nephew by undergoing a dangerous liver transplant. A procedure where chance of donor death is 40%.

In addition there are now studies coming out that show that brains of video gamers are more developed in areas of coordination and spacial orientation. In fact one study shows that video games may help recovering stroke patients.

There is no doubt that doing nothing but playing games all day is not healthy for anyone. However the average gamers are not lethargic couch potatoes. Most of us have jobs, families and other interests. My argument is that media needs to stop this hate for games and accept this most resent and promising entertainment medium.

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